Circular Economy Demo Day 2024

We are excited to invite you to the 5th edition of our Circular Economy Demo Day, which marks the finale of our Circular Economy Incubator, a 4-month program hosted by the Swiss Impact Hubs, where we accompany and support circular pioneers along their journey.


Why Attend?

  • Connect with the Swiss circular economy ecosystem, as we’re inviting key players from business, public hand, NGOs, academia and the start-up scene.
  • Meet our 26 circular pioneers and gain insights into their innovative circular solutions.
  • Network during the Apéro & Networking session.
  • Be part of the transition towards a more circular economy in Switzerland.



13h00 | Arrival, welcoming words & panel

14h00 | Pitching Sessions “Sharing, Repairing & Waste Management” & “Food & Agriculture”

14h45 | Networking Break

15h30 | Pitching Sessions “Built environment, Energy & Mobility” & “Textile & Consumer Goods”

16h30 | Award Ceremony & Closing Words

17h00 | Apéro & Networking


When: April 29th, 2024 – register until April 10th

Where: Kraftwerk Zurich, Selnaustrasse 25, 8001 Zurich


29 April 2024





Impact Hub Zurich

Happening at the hub

Upcoming events

27 August 2024
PME romandes | Évolution des métiers et compétences
10 September 2024
Impact Hub Lausanne
Conférence 2024 – L’agilité organisationnelle: nouveau bullshit managérial?
12 September 2024
Chemin des Abeilles 14, Lausanne
THE SPOT 2024 – International sport and innovation event
16 October 2024
-⠀17 October 2024
SwissTech Convention Center