Plongez dans votre potentiel de croissance – Experiential Movement Workshop

For an entrepreneur or a team, developing and maintaining a growth-focused mindset demands practice.

To achieve this, this workshop explores how to :

    • Connect with your environment on a deeper level than usual,
    • challenge automatic pilot reaction patterns,
    • make decisions from instinct rather than overthinking


Expect to be invited into a secure space beyond your comfort zone to explore the unknown. Individual, paired, and group exercises emphasizing bodily engagement will assist you in this process.

We’re accustomed to thinking before acting. Let’s experience together the action before reflection.

This midday workshop is the first in a series aimed at consistently nurturing a mindset conducive to personal and professional growth.


We’re excited to delve into our growth potential together !

Geneva Experiential Movement Lab Team



16 May 2023





Impact Hub Lausanne

Happening at the hub

Upcoming events

27 August 2024
PME romandes | Évolution des métiers et compétences
10 September 2024
Impact Hub Lausanne
Conférence 2024 – L’agilité organisationnelle: nouveau bullshit managérial?
12 September 2024
Chemin des Abeilles 14, Lausanne
THE SPOT 2024 – International sport and innovation event
16 October 2024
-⠀17 October 2024
SwissTech Convention Center