Penser l’avenir avec Beaulieu


The north halls will host stakeholders engaged in sustainable and social economy. Impact Hub Lausanne, Mentor Energy, and L’Eveil will come together in a “house of innovation and future professions,” to borrow the words of Oran McKenzie, director of L’Eveil. This “laboratory” aims to develop solutions “to address the challenges of the job market in the context of digital and ecological transition,” he explained.

Impact Hub presents itself as a “catalyst for social innovation” that connects entrepreneurs and provides tools and workspaces for collaboration. Mentor Energy and L’Eveil both focus on social and professional reintegration. The former brings together young and senior individuals to strengthen their skills mutually, while L’Eveil offers workshops at the intersection of art, health, spirituality, and ecology to help formulate new professional perspectives.

Textura, a textile recycling company also involved in reintegration, will also move to Beaulieu. They are currently “tight on space” in their current location, as Emmanuelle Rossier, a member of the Démarche cooperative’s management, of which Textura is a part, mentioned. In Beaulieu, the company, which collects 1,000 tons of textiles per year in Lausanne alone, will be able to increase its sorting capacity, some of which will be automated.

You can find the full article here


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